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Sandtray 4 Kids: Regulate Feelings
Welcome to Sandtray 4 Kids!
WELCOME Friend VIDEO (1:51)
Very Important!
Who can use this Course?
What is Sandtray 4 Kids?
Sandtray Therapy vs. Sandtray 4 Kids VIDEO (1:13)
What is Regulation? VIDEO (1:26)
How Does Sandtray Regulate? VIDEO (1:33)
What Can Sandtray Help VIDEO (0:52)
What is Special about Sandtray VIDEO (0:59)
Creating a Sandtray Space
Basic Supplies for Sandtray Space VIDEO (2:09)
Sand Stays in Its Home VIDEO (1:40)
Alternative Types of Trays VIDEO (1:26)
Rice Tray Alternative VIDEO (1:33)
Kinetic Sand VIDEO (1:37)
Toys for Sandtray VIDEO (1:05)
Special Miniatures for Sandtray
How to Regulate Emotions
Dysregulated Behavior in Children VIDEO (1:38)
How Children Self-Regulate in the Sand VIDEO (1:41)
How Parents Can Help Regulate VIDEO (1:33)
If You Get Stuck... coming soon
If Parent Gets Dysregulated... coming soon
You Did It! VIDEO (0:20)
Teach online with
Alternative Types of Trays VIDEO
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